Getting comfortable with…

Kevin Kermes
1 min readJan 13, 2021

being uncomfortable.

That’s where growth takes root, sprouts, and grows.

It’s the place in life to get curious and insightful versus disagreeable and resistant.

Whether you’re looking for your next purpose-driven role…

or a new client/business that inspires you…

or leveling up the relationships in your life.

(BTW — when you incorporate this shift in your life ALL those things begin to unfold for you).

And this is just the tip of the iceberg…

MORE on this in the video.

NOTE: if you want to go deeper, I hope you can join me and my team at 3pmET today right here:

For more than 20 years, I’ve been doing two things:

  1. Building businesses and…
  2. Helping leaders connect with purpose driven roles to build careers they love.

If either of those are of interest to you, let’s connect.

Four (4) more ways we can connect (beyond Medium):

  1. Facebook
  2. LinkedIn
  3. YouTube
  4. Your inbox (to get my “Three (3) Things” email delivered to you every MONDAY)



Kevin Kermes

I help leaders create more impact (professionally and personally) by focusing on Purpose, Fulfillment and Satisfaction.